The creative presentation of information can range on a scale from highly conceptual, with minimal visual support, to predominately visceral imagery targeting the intuitive. This is a left-brain right-brain correlation. A given project will establish its place on this scale based on various factors: audience; client-provided parameters; and aesthetic interpretation on the part of the designer. Below are examples of projects for which I have provided creative direction, copy writing, illustration and digital manipulation.
The first are individual panels for an invitation to a charity event for the Phoenix Suns. A project I defined as more on the conceptual end of the scale. The highlight of the evening was a scavenger hunt in which participants were given a car and driver, a list of tasks to perform, and a Polaroid camera to document each achieved task. Essentially, each participant was asked to “plug themselves” into an experience. I chose to represent this as anonymous figures in dashed outlines, culminating in a figure representing the ultimate purpose and goal of the charity.
The second example lies on the visceral end of the creative scale. This weekend wine event would require multiple marketing pieces which required visual consistency. I produced a simple illustration from which could be extracted a color palette and individual fragments for use as badges, tickets, brochures, invitations, etc.