The World Wide Web is Square, Sterile and Antiseptic
Well, not really.
But at its core, the science is based visually on a square pixel and digitally on a binary system for turning those pixels on and off. The word ‘pixel’ is the confluence of two words – picture element. A picture element is a general term used to describe, for example, halftone dots on a printed page, tiny silver specs on photo sensitive paper, and the small squares on a computer monitor.
My first exposure to this technology was on a Mac Plus which allowed the user to turn pixels (and rather large pixels by today’s standards) on or off – black or white. Now, pixels can be controlled with more than one on/off switch, and can be rendered far smaller, resulting in extraordinary, color rich screen resolution.
Pixels are square mainly due to math. A square is more easily defined and more efficiently scaled. As a result, when a digital image is doubled in physical size, its digital size quadruples. One pixel duplicated along each axis (x, y) results in 4 pixels, once another pixel is added to complete the square.
The point is, when viewing a page on the web, one is looking at a series of very small squares, which translates into a visual environment that too often appears staid and rigid.
This need not be the case. The merging of science and aesthetics invariably generates beauty. The challenge in designing and developing web sites is too manipulate the science in order to produce a more organic visual experience. The science requiring manipulation is code – HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. New and creative maneuvering of code occurs on a daily basis, and artists are eager to utilize it.
As the technology evolves with increasing complexity, the necessity to categorize and apportion various tasks on both the design and development sides of the web become more apparent. And those who appreciate, and are able to execute, a desired balance of technology and art will be best positioned to exploit the web’s possibilities.
Creative marketing means creating a balance between technology and art so that it benefits the client and helps them sell more of their products and services. That is the goal. And the skills needed to accomplish this feat require both the left brain and the right brain.
What does this mean to you? When looking for a brand consultant or web designer, seek out one who can create beautiful images on a platform that will bring you traffic.