What is the VALUE of Creative Website Design?

quality designThere are ho hum websites and there are creative websites. The ho hum variety generally cost less than the creative variety, but the trouble is, many people don’t know WHY.

That’s why I’m writing the Branding Questions Blog Post Series to educate my visitors on the how’s and why’s of good design and branding.  After more than 30 years in this field (I’m dating myself here), I know a bit about good design. I can spot an imposter immediately. It’s usually the person who sticks with safe design rather than taking a visual risk.

But what IS the value of creative website design? Read on and you’ll learn what good design is all about.


Creative design allows you to stand apart from your competition.

Imagine if you will that you are shopping for a service and like many people in this day and age you go straight to the Internet to do your anonymous research.

You need a realtor to sell your home. Since you live in an affluent area, you really would prefer a realtor who has experience selling higher-end homes.

In your research you land on the website of Realtor A and then you proceed to the website of Realtor B. Realtor A has been referred to you by a friend, but they have a generic website put together by a discount design firm. The site gives you a queasy feeling due to its lack of personality and unprofessional nature.

So off you go to Realtor B, in this case let’s suppose it’s a website focused on luxury real estate.  Realtor B has not been referred to you but gosh the site is beautiful. It’s focused on a luxury message and conveys an expert approach to selling luxury homes. Subconsciously you decide to approach this realtor and it doesn’t matter that you’ve found him on the Internet because he has provided sufficient information and professionalism via his website that you are in essence pre-sold.


Good website design reinforces your brand.

It’s an opportunity to present your business concept to an audience using both content and aesthetics in a way that creates a more complete profile of who you are and what you do.

A website that is well-designed showcases your expertise and presents a personality that deepens the relationship with your visitors. In years before the internet prospective clients would call you to request a brochure to be mailed to them or to have you explain to them over the phone what it is you do. That was your brand. That was it.

These days, your website performs the job of demonstrating your credentials, your expertise, and it explains why you enjoy working with a specific target market. Your headshot and bio establish a connection with the visitor. It’s one more way to reinforce your brand.


A creative website is memorable.

According to #6 in Stanford’s guidelines for web credibility, a well-designed site is essential: “We find that people quickly evaluate a site by visual design alone.” While content quality is important, you must first ensure that visitors will STAY on your site long enough to read it.

Presenting quality design ensures people will return multiple times. When website owners make sites a more interesting and pleasant experience, it changes the landscape considerably.

What makes a site memorable? Engaging illustrations, images, and visual excitement. Branding that is consistent from page to page. Easy navigation that allows movement from page to page. Color choices that are engaging rather than bland.


In the Internet age, it’s increasingly important to stand apart from the competition, reinforce your brand, and be memorable. Good, creative website design can help you do just that.

About Dana Ball

3 Responses to “What is the VALUE of Creative Website Design?”

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  1. Suzanne says:

    Nice article Dana. I’ve long been a believer in investing in design. My favorite tale is when I was pitching an upscale department store in Hawaii. I went in there with a set of marketing materials that helped me land the account. That was an investment that paid off for 15 years.
    Suzanne recently posted..How to Add Six Figures to Your Financial Planning IncomeMy Profile


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